Monday 11 March 2019

Joleado: Intelligent Live Chat software to Support your Customers

Many people dislike automated phone services. It is easy to understand why consumers don't want to sit around pushing numbers on their phones when they were hoping to speak to a live operator. This is one of the primary reasons in the surge of interest in live chat software.

Joleado customer support software, a web-based live support software solution, provides small-to-midsize businesses with an integrated customer support platform that covers all of your help desk bases, including online Live chat, email management, and voice.

Based on extensive research, Joleado has been proven to increase shopping cart conversion rates by 18-20% and to boost customer service satisfaction ratings to 90% or better.

More than that, this fantastic app takes your website visitor from the anonymity of "window shopper" to sale using vital real-time information.

The following are the reason why you should make use of Joleado live chat software to support your customers-

Immediate Support
When your software is necessary for real-time customer service or technical support, you should also recognize the immediacy that the chat option provides. For example, this software is going to enable your operators to work with a handful of clients at any given time, and will not require customers to wait "on hold."

Statistics also indicate that the live and real-time interactions tend to resolve issues at rates that email and phone exchanges cannot match. There are profound benefits for instituting some real-time chat options on your site — one more reason why you need an app like Joleado.

Real-Time Intelligence plus Proactive Engagement
In the brick and mortar world, you would not think of letting a prospect leave your store without trying to sell them something. Yes, you could allow them to serve themselves by reading product labels and sales literature. However, the most successful businesses know who they are selling to and how to connect with their needs.
Joleado will help you combine real-time intelligence with proactive engagement for increased sales and more satisfied customers. While most customers will only showing in your web page traffic reports, Joleado makes sure you don’t lose any prospects, especially the good and reliable one.

Talking to People
If you cannot have a one on one conversation with a telephone operator, live chat software gives you the next best thing. This is a feature that can be installed at your website and then initiated automatically (i.e., a dialogue or pop-up box appears asking if the customer would like to speak to a live operator) or it can be something triggered by the customer clicking an active link. There is no stress attached when using this software especially using a reliable one like Joleado.

Find Out Where Your Visitors Are Contacting You From
Joleado live customer support software immediately presents useful "clues" about your visitor. You can see the exact traffic source that sent your visitor and what keyword phrase they used to find your site.

Subsequently, you can prioritize your best leads among your current visitors by comparing how the keywords they used to match what products and services your website offers. Logically, your best bet and easiest path to a sale on your site are those visitors that are specifically searching for what you already have to sell.

Also, this app shows where your visitor is on your website. Whether it is a product page or a customer support page, you are provided with additional intelligence to better connect with that visitor and their needs.
The real-time snapshot of your anonymous visitor can provide you with enough facts to guide them smoothly through the sales process beginning with "hello."

Service or Sales
You also have to remember that live chat software is not something that is limited strictly to the customer service end of things. For example, some live chat software systems allow you to monitor each visitor as they navigate their way around your site.

So, that means that you might ask the software to follow specific or "intelligent" business rules. These rules would be able to identify a particular pattern in a website visitor behavior and then launch a dialogue box to interact in a very effective way.

You might not think of it, but all the mentioned point will significantly help not only you but also your visitors. It will help them to access and find out all they want from you quickly.

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